Update Token Status List

Update a Token Status List JWT or CWT as a new DID-Linked Resource

Step 1. Manually create your new Status List JWT/CWT and save the file locally

Create a JWT or CWT file with the updated indices and bits for the updated Status List.

Non-normative example for a Status List Token in JWT format
  "alg": "ES256",
  "kid": "12",
  "typ": "statuslist+jwt"
  "exp": 2291720170,
  "iat": 1686920170,
  "iss": "https://example.com",
  "status_list": {
    "bits": 3,
    "lst": "eNrbuRgAAhcBXQHutdpRiBFREinSjQfeTpXmdQfwefegD"
  "sub": "https://example.com/statuslists/1"
Non-normative example for a Status List Token in CWT format (not including the type header yet)

Save this file locally and call it something like statusListTokenUPDATED.json

Note that each JWT or CWT must be below ~45kb in size.

Step 2: Encode the updated file

Prepare a file with resource and encode it into base64, base64url or hex. On Unix systems, you can use the following command input:

$ base64 -w 0 resource.json

Expected output:

$ base64 -w 0 resource.json

Step 3: Set the same Resource Name and Type

To create a new version you must use the same "name" and "type" for your resource, and ensure that the new Token Status List resource is being created underneath the same DID as your initial DID. You will also need to be logged into the same cheqd Studio account that you used to create the initial Token Status List to have access to the keys to sign the update.

For Token Status Lists, the "type" MUST be: "TokenStatusList".

For example:

    "data": "HfSynOpmBrhgfYguING",
    "encoding": "base64url",
    "name": "DegreeCredentialStatus",
    "type": "TokenStatusList"

Step 4: Populate the request inputs and hit the API

Create a DID-Linked Resource.

This endpoint creates a DID-Linked Resource. As input, it can take the DID identifier and the resource parameters via a form, or the fully-assembled resource itself.



Path parameters

DID identifier to link the resource to.


Encoded string containing the data to be stored in the DID-Linked Resource.


Name of DID-Linked Resource.


Type of DID-Linked Resource. This is NOT the same as the media type, which is calculated automatically ledger-side.


Optional field to assign a human-readable version in the DID-Linked Resource.

encodingstring · enumrequired

Encoding format used to encode the data.

Options: base64url, base64, hex

List of key references (publicKeys) which will be used for signing the message. The should be in hexadecimal format and placed in the wallet of current user.


Optional field to assign a set of alternative URIs where the DID-Linked Resource can be fetched from.

curl -L \
  --request POST \
  --url '/resource/create/{did}' \
  --header 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data '{"data":"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=","encoding":"base64url","name":"ResourceName","type":"TextDocument"}'
  "resourceURI": "did:cheqd:testnet:55dbc8bf-fba3-4117-855c-1e0dc1d3bb47/resources/398cee0a-efac-4643-9f4c-74c48c72a14b",
  "resourceCollectionId": "55dbc8bf-fba3-4117-855c-1e0dc1d3bb47",
  "resourceId": "398cee0a-efac-4643-9f4c-74c48c72a14b",
  "resourceName": "cheqd-issuer-logo",
  "resourceType": "CredentialArtwork",
  "mediaType": "image/png",
  "resourceVersion": "1.0",
  "checksum": "a95380f460e63ad939541a57aecbfd795fcd37c6d78ee86c885340e33a91b559",
  "created": "2021-09-01T12:00:00Z",
  "nextVersionId": "d4829ac7-4566-478c-a408-b44767eddadc",
  "previousVersionId": "ad7a8442-3531-46eb-a024-53953ec6e4ff"

Last updated

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