Create DID-Linked Resource

Create a DID-Linked Resource associated with a cheqd DID over REST API

Using the /resource/create API, users are able to create custom DID-Linked Resources, including:

  1. Schemas

  2. Credential Definitions

  3. Trust Registries

  4. Status Lists

  5. Logos associated with DIDs

  6. Governance files

Step 1: Set up your account

Make sure you have set up your account with cheqd Studio and are logged in, using our guide below:

Step 2: Create a DID

Before you can create a DID-Linked Resource, you need to create a "parent" DID which is used to link the Resource on-ledger. Use the API in the page below to create a DID:

Step 3. Create your Resource content and save the file locally

DID-Linked Resources can be any type of file or content that is below ~45kb in size.

For the purpose of an example, lets use an AnonCreds schema (JSON file) as the resource:

  "name": "degreeSchema",
  "version": "1.5.7",
  "attrNames": ["name", "age", "degree", "grade"]

Save this file locally and call it something like resource.json.

Step 4: Encode the file

Prepare a file with resource and encode it into base64, base64url or hex. On Unix systems, you can use the following command input:

$ base64 -w 0 resource.json

Expected output:

$ base64 -w 0 resource.json

Step 5: Set a consistent name and type

Resources are grouped by having identical names and types. This means if you want to create a new version of the same Resource, you will need to specify the same name and type in the following request.

Step 6: Populate the request inputs and hit the API

Create a DID-Linked Resource.

This endpoint creates a DID-Linked Resource. As input, it can take the DID identifier and the resource parameters via a form, or the fully-assembled resource itself.



Path parameters

DID identifier to link the resource to.


Encoded string containing the data to be stored in the DID-Linked Resource.


Encoding format used to encode the data.

Options: base64url, base64, hex

Name of DID-Linked Resource.


Type of DID-Linked Resource. This is NOT the same as the media type, which is calculated automatically ledger-side.


Optional field to assign a set of alternative URIs where the DID-Linked Resource can be fetched from.


Optional field to assign a human-readable version in the DID-Linked Resource.


List of key references (publicKeys) which will be used for signing the message. The should be in hexadecimal format and placed in the wallet of current user.

curl -L \
  --request POST \
  --url '/resource/create/{did}' \
  --header 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data '{"data":"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=","encoding":"base64url","name":"ResourceName","type":"TextDocument"}'
  "resourceURI": "did:cheqd:testnet:55dbc8bf-fba3-4117-855c-1e0dc1d3bb47/resources/398cee0a-efac-4643-9f4c-74c48c72a14b",
  "resourceCollectionId": "55dbc8bf-fba3-4117-855c-1e0dc1d3bb47",
  "resourceId": "398cee0a-efac-4643-9f4c-74c48c72a14b",
  "resourceName": "cheqd-issuer-logo",
  "resourceType": "CredentialArtwork",
  "mediaType": "image/png",
  "resourceVersion": "1.0",
  "checksum": "a95380f460e63ad939541a57aecbfd795fcd37c6d78ee86c885340e33a91b559",
  "created": "2021-09-01T12:00:00Z",
  "nextVersionId": "d4829ac7-4566-478c-a408-b44767eddadc",
  "previousVersionId": "ad7a8442-3531-46eb-a024-53953ec6e4ff"

Last updated

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