Create AnonCreds Schema

To issue Verifiable Credentials, the issuer will have to first create a Schema and then a Credential Definition.

⚠️ Before you begin...

Make sure you've correctly configured the Credo agent with cheqd.

Import a DID (optional)

In order to register a schema and credential definition, a DID must be added to the agent first. This can be done by calling agent.dids.create(), but this does require an endorser DID to be present as the submitterDid. This is optional, if you have created a DID from the agent before as described here.

const seed = TypedArrayEncoder.fromString(`<seed>`) // Secret seed. Should be kept secure in production!
const cheqdDid = 'did:cheqd:testnet:d37eba59-513d-42d3-8f9f-d1df0548b675' // Cheqd DID to be imported

await agent.dids.import({
  did: cheqdDid,
  overwrite: true,
  privateKeys: [
      privateKey: seed,
      keyType: KeyType.Ed25519,

Register a Schema

When you have a registered (or imported) a DID on the network and in your wallet, you can register a schema. Registering a schema requires four fields: issuerId, name, version and attrNames. It is important to note that the issuerId must be the same as a DID in your wallet.

const schemaResult = await agent.modules.anoncreds.registerSchema({
  schema: {
    attrNames: ['name', 'degree', 'date'],
    issuerId: '<did>',
    name: 'Example Schema to register',
    version: '1.0.0',
  options: {},

if (schemaResult.schemaState.state === 'failed') {
  throw new Error(`Error creating schema: ${schemaResult.schemaState.reason}`)


schema (mandatory)

"attrNames": Array of attributes for the schema definition.

"issuerId": Issuer DID, use the did created by the Issuer.

"name": Name of the Schema

"version": Version of the Schema (To update existing Schema, use same name and different version)

options (optional)

Optional Key-Value pairs of additional options.

Last updated

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