Issue a Verifiable Credential

After creating cheqd DIDs, you can issue verifiable credentials using the ACA-Py agent. Here's how:

  1. Create a Schema: Create as Anoncreds Schema with the newly created DID as issuerId using the API POST /anoncreds/schema. This will create a DID-Linked Resource of type anonCredsSchema.

  2. Create a Credential Definition: Using the Schema ID from the previous step, create an Anoncreds Credential Definition using the API POST /anoncreds/credential-definition. Here you can pass the support_revocation option. Ensure that a Tails Server is configured for the issuer.

  3. Create Connection with Holder: Use any supported method to create the connection with the holder of the credential. Automated out-of-band protocol recommended.

  4. Prepare Credential Offer: Generate a credential offer using the /issue-credential-2.0/send-offer API. This offer is sent to the holder, informing them about the available credential and its attributes.

  5. Receive Credential Request: Wait for the holder to respond with a credential request, which will include proof of possession of the necessary private keys.

  6. Issue Credential: Once the credential request is received and validated, issue the credential using the /issue-credential-2.0/records/<exchange-id>/issue API endpoint.

By following these steps, you can effectively issue verifiable credentials using ACA-Py integrated with the cheqd ecosystem.

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