
Dependency Upgrades:

  • Upgrade Go version to at least v1.20, with v1.21 as the targeted latest stable.

  • Upgrade Cosmos SDK from v0.46.x (being a fork at v0.46.10, applying Barberry vulnerability patch on top, along with IAVL forked at v0.19.5 applying pruning logic patch on top) to v0.47.x (latest: v0.47.8), including relevant cosmossdk.io indirect dependencies and IAVL package.

  • The ideal outcome is removing all forks, upgrading direct, indirect dependencies to latest v0.47.x release line covering the set requirements to follow.

  • Update Comet BFT (Tendermint v0.34.26) to match Cosmos SDK’s associated version (latest: v0.37.4).

  • Update IBC from v6.1.1 to v7.x (latest: v7.3.2).

  • Test suite updates in Ginkgo BDD for connecting to the latest Osmosis, transferring tokens, and querying DID-Linked Resources through IBC.


  • Address non-operational state sync issue by assessing remediation strategies used in similar contexts.

  • Resolve non-operational pruning while retaining the panic-exit fix introduced in the forked v0.46.x compatible IAVL, exploring options for a permanent solution.

CI + Tests:

  • Update build, test, and release CI actions to target the latest Ubuntu LTS (latest: 22.04.3).

  • Update build, release CI actions to target latest GoReleaser (latest: v1.24.0, requires Go v1.20+).

  • Resolve possible testing suite adjustments derived from the aforementioned dependency upgrades, notably upgrade tests written in Ginkgo BDD testing framework.

Last updated