Foundational Principles
This section is a set of Foundational Principles which are core to the Network. They set a baseline of Principles which the General Principles sit underneath in terms of hierarchy.
The Foundational Principles SHOULD NOT need to change throughout the lifecycle of the Network. They are designed to be flexible enough to underpin the Network as it progresses.
Updates, amendments or revisions to this Principles list can be made through the process explained in the Section Major Network Changes.
1. The Principle Principle
A Principles based Governance model is toothless unless there is a Principle explaining how to properly follow and interpret the Principles.
Given the genesis structure of the Network, a lot of power to govern the Network is vested in the architecture, and decentralised consensus from the Users of the Network.
For this reason, the Principle Principle holds that Network Users should follow these Principles.
This Principle SHOULD be upheld in the following way:
If there is a clear contradiction between a Principle listed in this Governance Framework and a Proposal made to the Network, that Proposal SHOULD be either:
Rejected, meaning that it will not reach voting stage, but the creator of the Proposal will be refunded its tokens;
Vetoed, meaning that it will not reach the voting stage and the deposited tokens for the Proposal are burnt.
Naturally, it will be at the discretion of the voter whether to reject or veto the Proposal. The User SHOULD use their reasonable judgement to make this decision, based on the degree of harm the hypothetical Proposal could do to the Network.
Throughout this Governance Framework, it will be made clear where the veto should be used, to maintain the security and safety of Network Users.
2. The Balancing Principle
With respect to the Principle Principle, it is also crucial to balance the right to freedom of expression with the other Principles set forth in this document.
We do not want Users to feel hesitant to make genuine, well-intentioned Proposals, for fear of having their Proposal vetoed. We want Users to feel that their voice can be heard without being shut down and penalised. And we want to instill a culture of inclusivity and open-discussion.
The Balancing Principle adds on to the Principle Principle. If there is a Proposal to amend, add or remove a Principle which is well-reasoned and well-intentioned, such Proposal SHOULD NOT be vetoed.
Voters SHOULD make a judgement call, based on their own morals and perceptions whether such a Proposal is genuinely well-intentioned; or whether it is created to antagonise, discriminate or cause harm to a set of persons or Users.
Of course, if there is a strong personal sense that a Proposal constitutes the latter, then a veto vote will be the best course of action.
We cannot set or regulate these boundaries, and we will not be able to intervene here, but we want the Network to govern this delicate grey area itself, minimising toxicity and maximising inclusion.
We want the Network to keep itself in-check.
What does this look like?

3. The Principle of Increasing Entropy
Entropy is a new concept in this context and is explained here in our Introduction to Entropy.
Entropy is the transition from a centralised Network, where very few people make decisions that change the course and direction of the Network, to a fully decentralised Network, where a large, diverse collective reach consensus on the course and direction of the Network.
At the genesis of the Network, there will be a set of default parameters and decisions made by a select few. Therefore, this state has very Low Entropy because there is purposefully curated form, structure and order.
As more node operators join the Network, as more decisions are made, and as the capability to make a decision on the Network is spread across more and more Users, Entropy increases. This is because the initial structure, form and order is gradually dissipated.
This Principle therefore holds that decisions made on the Network SHOULD be taken with a view to increase Entropy and to make the system more decentralised.
This Principle SHOULD be self-fulfilling in the sense that any Network Proposals made after genesis will most likely increase Entropy.
There will likely become a point where Entropy has reached the point of sufficient decentralisation and that its increase may plateau slightly for technological reasons. The Network SHOULD maintain this high Entropy state.
Last updated
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