How to add CHEQ tokens to UniSwap Liquidity Pools
Now that you have CHEQ-ERC20 tokens you can engage with DeFi activities within the Ethereum ecosystem.
Within UniSwap you can either Swap tokens, or add them to a Liquidity Pool.
To find out more about Liquidity Pools, head to What is a Liquidity Pool?
Adding tokens to a Liquidity Pool
Step 1: Find Pool
As a pool has been created on UniSwap these instructions offer insight into how to use UniSwap, however other options exists and CHEQ will likely appear on them in the near future.
Head to the CHEQ:USDT pool.

Step 2: Add liquidity and initiate transaction
Select ‘Add liquidity’ which will take you to the UniSwap app.
On the app, enter the amount of tokens you’d like to deposit and hit ‘Preview’

Select ‘Add’ which will initiate the transaction.

Step 3: Confirm transaction
Check the gas fees and confirm the transaction. I

If you'd like to reduce the transaction fee you can select a lower one using the updated MetaMask. To turn this on, go to your settings in MetaMask and select 'Experimental' and toggle the 'Enable Enhance Gas Fee UI' to ON

Once the transaction has completed you'll see your positions appear on your UniSwap account.

Last updated
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