ADR 011: AnonCreds




Renata Toktar, Alexander Kolesov, Ankur Banerjee

ADR Stage


Implementation Status


Start Date



This ADR will define how Verifiable Credential schemas can be represented through the use of a DID URL, which when dereferenced, fetches the credential schemas a resource. The identity entities and transactions for the cheqd network are designed to support usage scenarios and functionality currently supported by Hyperledger Indy.


Hyperledger Indy is a verifiable data registry (VDR) built for DIDs with a strong focus on privacy-preserving techniques. It is one of the most widely-adopted SSI blockchain ledgers. Most notably, Indy is used by the Sovrin Network.

Identity-domain transaction types in Hyperledger Indy

Our aim is to support the functionality enabled by identity-domain transactions in by Hyperledger Indy into cheqd-node. This will partly enable the goal of allowing use cases of existing SSI networks on Hyperledger Indy to be supported by the cheqd network.

The following identity-domain transactions from Indy were considered:

  1. NYM: Equivalent to "DIDs" on other networks

  2. ATTRIB: Payload for DID Document generation

  3. SCHEMA: Schema used by a credential

  4. CRED_DEF: Credential definition by an issuer for a particular schema

  5. REVOC_REG_DEF: Credential revocation registry definition

  6. REVOC_REG_ENTRY: Credential revocation registry entry

Revocation registries for credentials are not covered under the scope of this ADR. This topic is discussed separately in ADR 007: Revocation registry as there is ongoing research by the cheqd project on how to improve the privacy and scalability of credential revocations.


CL Schema

CL-Schema resource can be created via CreateResource transaction with the follow list of parameters:


  • Collection ID: UUID ➝ (did:cheqd:...:) ➝ Parent DID identifier without a prefix

  • ID: UUID ➝ specific to resource, also effectively a version number (supplied client-side)

  • Name: String (e.g., CL-Schema1 ) ➝ Schema name

  • ResourceTypeCL-Schema

  • MimeTypeapplication/json

  • Data: Byte[] ➝ JSON string with the follow structure:

    • attrNames: Array of attribute name strings (125 attributes maximum)

      "attrNames": ["undergrad", "last_name", "first_name", "birth_date", "postgrad", "expiry_date"]

CLI Example:

cheqd-noded tx resource create-cl-schema <collection_id> <id> <name> <schema-data-json>
                                          --private-key <private-identity-key-by-collection-id-diddoc>

cheqd-noded tx resource create-cl-schema zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXfUY7oVWkY\
                                         "{\"attrNames\":[\"last_name\", \"first_name\"]}"\
                                          --private-key <private-identity-key-by-collection-id-diddoc>

Credential Definition

[TODO: explain that a Cred Def is simply an additional property inside of the Issuer's DID Doc]

Adds a Credential Definition (in particular, public key), which is created by an Issuer and published for a particular Credential Schema.

It is not possible to update Credential Definitions. If a Credential Definition needs to be evolved (for example, a key needs to be rotated), then a new Credential Definition needs to be created for a new Issuer DIDdoc. Credential Definitions is added to the ledger in as verification method for Issuer DIDDoc

  • id: DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 byte DID value with Cheqd DID Method prefix did:cheqd:<namespace>: and a resource type at the end.

  • value (dict): Dictionary with Credential Definition's data if signature_type is CL:

    • primary (dict): Primary credential public key

    • revocation (dict, optional): Revocation credential public key

  • schemaId (string): id of a Schema the credential definition is created for.

  • signatureType (string): Type of the credential definition (that is credential signature). CL-Sig-Cred_def (Camenisch-Lysyanskaya) is the only supported type now. Other signature types are being explored for future releases.

  • tag (string, optional): A unique tag to have multiple public keys for the same Schema and type issued by the same DID. A default tag tag will be used if not specified.

  • controller: DIDs list of strings or only one string of a credential definition controller(s). All DIDs must exist.

CRED_DEF entity transaction format:

    "id": "<cred_def_url>",
    "type": "CL-CredDef",
    "controller": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:123456789abcdefghi",
    "schemaId": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:5ZTp9g4SP6t73rH2s8zgmtqdXyT?service=CL-Schema",
    "tag": "some_tag",
    "value": {
      "primary": "...",
      "revocation": "..."

Don't store Schema DIDDoc in the State.

CredDef URL: did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue

CredDef Entity URL: did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue?service=CL-CredDef

CRED_DEF DID Document transaction format:

  "id": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue",
  "controller": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:IK22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKu", // CredDef Issuer DID
      "id": "cheqd-cred-def",
      "type": "CL-CredDef",
      "serviceEndpoint": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue?service=CL-CredDef"

CRED_DEF state format:

"credDef:<id>" -> {CredDefEntity, txHash, txTimestamp}

Note: CRED_DEF cannot be updated.

Rationale and Alternatives

Schema options not used

Schema. Option 2

Schema URL: did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue#<schema_entity_id>

SCHEMA DID Document transaction format:

  "id": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue",
      "id": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue#schema1",
      "type": "CL-Schema",
      "controller": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue",
      "value": {
                "version": "1.0",
                "name": "Degree",
                "attrNames": ["undergrad", "last_name", "first_name", "birth_date", "postgrad", "expiry_date"]

Schema. Option 3

Schema URL: did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue

SCHEMA DID Document transaction format:

  "id": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue",
  "schema": {
              "id": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue",
              "type": "CL-Schema",
              "controller": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue",
              "value": {
                "version": "1.0",
                "name": "Degree",
                "attrNames": ["undergrad", "last_name", "first_name", "birth_date", "postgrad", "expiry_date"]

Schema. Option 4

Schema URL: did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue#<schema_entity_id>

SCHEMA DID Document transaction format:

  "id": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue",
                "id": "cheqd-schema",
                "type": "CL-Schema",
                "schemaRef": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue?resource=true"

SCHEMA State format:

  • "schema:<id>" -> {SchemaEntity, txHash, txTimestamp}

id example: did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue

Cred Def options not used

Cred Def. Option 2

Store inside Issuer DID Document

CredDef URL: did:cheqd:mainnet-1:N22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKue#<cred_def_entity_id>

CRED_DEF DID Document transaction format:

  "@context": [
  "verificationMethod": [
      "id": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:IK22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKu#creddef-1", // Cred Def ID
      "type": "CamLysCredDefJwk2021", // TODO: define and register this key type
      "controller": "did:cheqd:mainnet-1:IK22KY2Dyvmuu2PyyqSFKu"
        [TODO: Define structure for CL JWK]
  "assertionMethod": [


CRED_DEF state format:


  • Credential Definition is a set of Issuer keys. So storing them in Issuer's DIDDoc reasonable.


  • Credential Definition name means that it contains more than just a key and value field provides this flexibility.

  • Adding all Cred Defs to Issuer's DIDDoc makes it too large. For every DIDDoc or Cred Def request a client will receive the whole list of Issuer's Cred Defs.

  • Impossible to put a few controllers for Cred Def.

  • In theory, we need to make Credential Definitions mutable.


Last updated

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