Setup your Leap Wallet to access CHEQ
Disclaimer: All information provided is intended to help users get set up on cheqd. However, we do not expressly recommend or mandate a certain approach. All actions taken are your personal responsibility.
Leap Wallet is the easiest way to get started managing your CHEQ tokens. Using Leap Wallet you can manage your tokens across desktop, mobile and browser.
To configure your Leap wallet to support cheqd testnet, please follow the instructions below:
This will open a full page view in the browser. Fill in the chain details as follows
Chain Id: `cheqd-testnet-6`
Chain Name: `cheqd Testnet`
New RPC Url: ``
New REST Url: ``
Address Prefix: `cheqd`
Native Denom: `CHEQ`
Coin Type: `118`
8. Decimals: `9`
Your new chain should be selected already (if not, use the Switch Chain" icon to select it)
This is your cheqd testnet acount address
To get testnet tokens go to the faucet at , enter your address and the faucet will send you 1 million $CHEQ testnet tokens