Create a DID using the did:cheqd method from Credo Agent
Follow these instructions to create a new DID from Credo Agent and publish the associated DID Document on cheqd ledger.
⚠️ Before you begin...
Make sure you've correctly configured the Credo agent with cheqd.
*: cheqd
Provide a DID Document payload according to the w3c did core specification in the request body. This is possible when the keys corresponding to the verification methods provided in the DID Document are already created in the wallet
If a DID Document is not passed to the registrar, it requires the secret parameter with a verificationMethod to construct the DID Document.
Deactivate a did:cheqd from Credo Agent
Follow these instructions to deactivate a did:cheqd DID from Credo Agent
A DID can be deactivated, it can still be resolved
Update a did:cheqd DID from Credo Agent
Follow these instructions to update a did:cheqd DID from Credo Agent.
To update a DID Document, fetch the body of the DID Document you want to change from the DID Resolver, make the relevant updates and pass it as the parameter
*: The updated DID Document
A Decentralized Identifier "DID" is a globally unique identifier that does not require a centralized registration authority because it is registered with distributed ledger technology or other form of decentralized network.
Learn about DIDs If you want to learn about what DIDs are, please go over to our learning site here.
Below are a list of alternatives for creating cheqd DIDs.
Create DID
Create an Issuer DID using the did:cheqd DID method.
Update DID
Update a did:cheqd DID.
Deactivate DID
Deactivate a did:cheqd DID.
cheqd Studio
Our API product enables users to use cheqd's functionality with minimal complexity and easily integrate APIs into existing apps.
DID Registrar
Simple setup for building cheqd DIDs into existing applications using REST APIs, building into the Universal Registrar.
ACA-Py plugin supports full cheqd support for DIDs as well as Verifiable Credentials.
The Veramo SDK plugin supports JSON, JSON-LD credentials as well as cheqd Credential Payments in an SDK. SSI Kit SSI Kit is an SDK that supports the European Architecture and Reference Framework (ARF) standards for identity, with full cheqd support.
cheqd Cosmos CLI
Cosmos CLI which directly communicates with the cheqd network. This should only be used for testing environments.