After registering a schema, a credential definition can be registered based on the schema. The credential definition, amongst more things, binds the schema to a specific issuer. Schemas can be reused between issuers, but a credential definition is specific to an issuer. In a credential definition revocation can also be specified. This section will not go in-depth about revocation.
The request body must contain the credential_definition object with the Issuer DID and the Schema ID created in the previous steps.
To enable revocation, the options must contain the revocation flag, and the size of the revocation registry. Also, ensure that a Tails Server is configured for the issuer.
credential_definition (mandatory)
"issuerId": DID of the Issuer.
"schemaId": The AnonCreds Schema ID created by the Issuer (must be of the same DID).
"tag": Additional Name to identify the Credential Definition.
options (optional)
"support_revocation": Boolean value to indicate that the Credential can be revoked or not. (Tails server must be configured if this is set to `true`)
"revocation_registry_size": Maximum size of the Revocation Registry.