It is possible to present Verifiable Credentials, signed by a cheqd DID, in a few clicks or lines of code. This process enables secure and trustworthy sharing of verifiable credentials within the Credo framework and cheqd ecosystem.
Use any supported method to create a connection with the Holder. Automated out-of-band protocol is recommended. You can follow the same steps as described in Issue a Verifiable Credential.
After connection is established, the Verifier can send a proof request to the Holder.
Holder can get the stored credentials from own wallet and format a proof to send to the Verifier.
When we want to send a proof, we have to listen to incoming proof requests and handle accordingly. In this example we do not have any user interaction, but is likely that your application would have a user-interface which would display the request.
For more tutorials and examples, visit Credo Docs.